
Familie Laverte

We are extremely happy with the delivered veranda tarps. Excellent service, everything measured very well, the result is even beyond expectations. Absolutely top-notch!!!

— Familie Laverte

Referentie familie van Ewijk

We would like to thank Albers Zeilmakerij once again for the excellent service and the pleasant and friendly cooperation with the order of our veranda tarps. We will definitely recommend Albers Zeilmakerij for future projects of our own, as well as those of friends and acquaintances.

— Family van Ewijk

We ordered veranda tarps from Albers Zeilmakerij. We are very satisfied with the delivered products. It deserves our compliments. We can now enjoy outdoor living all year round regardless of the season. We recommend Albers to anyone looking for quality!

— Stefan Biesheuvel

Referentie verandazeilen

We ordered veranda tarps from Albers Zeilmakerij. We are really super happy with them. Top work. They make us happy every day!

— Jacqueline de Zwaan

Referentie bakwagen

The tarp for our mobile storage truck has turned out beautifully! Highly recommended.

— Rolf Oosterhuis, Mobiele Opslag

We are very satisfied with our collaboration with Albers Zeilmakerij. We consider it a great asset that we do business locally (in the Netherlands).

— Alexander Plegt, Van Berkum Carrosseriebedrijf

We ordered a soccer net with holes from Albers Zeilmakerij. It is custom-made and easy to attach to the goalposts using a click system. It also weighs next to nothing, so anyone can carry it. We are incredibly happy with it, and the children love it too. They now have to aim carefully to score. It’s fun to have our own logo on the soccer net. This way, people from afar can already see that we are Balpro. I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase this soccer net again.

— Lorenzo Keyman, Balpro

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